Colours (13 colours available)
Colours (Please choose a teat first)
Dynamic LOVI soothers - healthy suction from the beginning.
The dynamic LOVI soother has been designed by neurologopedic specialists to encourage healthy suction for baby.
Its dynamic and innovative shapes ensures that the LOVI soother:
Medically-proven: LOVI soothers encourage healthy suction.
Engraving your child's name on the soother makes it easily identifiable, reducing the chances of losing it as well as lowering the risk of your child being exposed to infections. Our high quality engraving does not disappear through abrasion or repeated boiling.
All of the soothers must contain the same name or phrase.
Don't forget: you can write a maximum of 30 characters which are distributed in 10 characters over three lines. Be careful when writing the name. We would like to remind you that we will not be responsible for typing or spelling errors!